How To...

This section guides you through a number of common tasks for PTFB Pro:

Automatically dismiss the Outlook security message ("A program is trying to access...")

Automatically dismiss a popup message (dialog) with a single-click

Automatically dismiss a system tray notification balloon

Automatically perform a series of mouse clicks and/or key presses when a dialog appears

Reduce the delay before PTFB Pro takes action

Make an action repeat

Get PTFB Pro to record or notify you about its actions

Get PTFB Pro to handle dialogs even when your PC is locked

Make PTFB Pro start automatically each time your computer starts up

Stop PTFB's activities

Automatically dismiss the Outlook security message ("A program is trying to access...")

This is done using a "Single Press" target, as follows.

When the offending Outlook security message next appears:

  1. Open up PTFB Pro's main window (click the blue mouse icon in the tray area of the taskbar when PTFB Pro is running)
  2. Click "Single Press"
  3. Move the hand cursor over the "Yes" button in the Outlook security message and click to define the target
  4. Press "Start Watching" in PTFB Pro to take care of the message

If you haven't changed PTFB Pro's settings, the new target will have a 1 second delay before it dismisses the Outlook warnings. If you'd rather have PTFB Pro handle the dialogs as fast as possible, you can reduce the delay to 0 seconds - here's how.

Finally, please bear in mind that Microsoft added this security feature to Outlook with the best of intentions. PTFB Pro can't discriminate between legitimate attempts to send email and the work of rogue scripts and viruses - if you use PTFB Pro to override the warning dialogs, you assume the associated risks.

Automatically dismiss a popup message (dialog) with a single-click

To do this, you'll need to open up PTFB Pro's main window and define a new "Single Press" target. Read the following section for a step-by-step guide: Automating Button Pushing - The Basics

Automatically dismiss a system tray notification balloon

Irritated by XP/Vista's balloon messages hovering over the system tray area? Use PTFB Pro's Single-Press facility to close them as soon as they appear. Click here for more details.

Automatically perform a series of mouse clicks and/or key presses when a dialog appears

When you want do do something more complicated than a single click, you need to define a Macro. In brief, the procedure for this is:

  1. Click "Macro" to create a new macro entry
  2. Tell PTFB Pro which window to watch for
  3. Carry out the tasks you want PTFB Pro to record
  4. Stop the recording (hit the Break key) and press "Start Watching" to put PTFB Pro to work

Here's a full step-by step guide to the whole process: Automating Execution of Macros - The Basics

Reduce the delay before PTFB Pro takes action

Unless you've already changed PTFB Pro's default settings, each new target you create starts out with a 1 second delay. This is for safety reasons - it lets you briefly see the target window just before PTFB Pro handles it for you.

You can raise the delay, or reduce it right down to zero seconds (almost instant, subject to the speed of your computer and current workload). To do this:

  1. Open up PTFB Pro's main window
  2. Double-click the target whose delay is to be changed. This will display its property sheet.
  3. Click on the "Triggers" tab to change to that page. Look for the field labeled"Initial Delay" near the top of the page, and set the delay to 0 seconds (or whatever you like, up to a maximum of 4 hours)
  4. Click OK on the sheet to save changes

For more details about this and other settings you can change for single press and macro items, please read the following sections:

Automating Button Pushing - Tweaking the Settings

Recording and Playback of Macros- Tweaking the Settings

Make an action repeat

Since PTFB Pro is primarily designed for dismissing irritating messages, it carries out an action only once each time it sees the target window. You can change this, and allow PTFB Pro to repeat the action as follows:

  1. Edit the target by double-clicking it in PTFB Pro's list
  2. Switch to the "Triggers" page
  3. Tick"Repeat After" near the top the page, and set the separate repeat delay (if necessary)
  4. Clicking "OK" to save changes

Macros offer additional options for repeated playback:


For more details about this and other settings you can change for single press and macro items, please read the following sections:

Automating Button Pushing - Tweaking the Settings

Recording and Playback of Macros - Tweaking the Settings

Get PTFB Pro to record or notify you about its actions

To do this, you need to setup a notification on each of the targets you want to monitor. For more information please read the following section: Setting up Notifications

Get PTFB Pro to handle dialogs even when your PC is locked

By default, PTFB Pro can't handle dialogs that pop up while your PC is locked, but you can give PTFB Pro the ability to briefly unlock then re-lock your PC when action needs to be taken. To do so, you need to:

  1. Install the optional service component
  2. Set up PTFB Pro so that it can log back on tot he computer in your absence
  3. In the case of Windows, XP, make sure "Fast User Switching" is disabled

For more details, please read the following section: Working with a locked computer / locking screensaver

Make PTFB Pro start automatically each time your computer starts up

In the dim and distance past, this required the addition of a shortcut to the "Startup" group of the Start menu, but this is no longer necessary!

To set automatic start up:

  1. Open up PTFB Pro's main window (click the blue mouse icon in the tray area of the taskbar when PTFB Pro is running)
  2. Click the button marked "Options" and select "Configure..." from the resulting popup menu
  3. Tick "Run at startup" in the Miscellaneous section of the General page
  4. Press "Close" to save your changes

Note: if you have created a shortcut in the Startup group, then make choice between using that or the above method - don't use both, because PTFB will open its main window if a second attempt is made to run it while it's sitting minimized in the tray.

For more information, please read the section titled: PTFB Pro Configuration

Stop PTFB's activities

If you want to call a temporary halt to PTFB's activities, here's a quick run-down of how to do it.

To stop a macro in mid-playback, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys together, and tap the Escape key. This will abort macro playback, and bring up the Start menu.

To temporarily disable PTFB, either left-click its icon in the tray to open the main window, or right-click the icon and choose "Disable PTFB".

Remember you can also define a hotkey for enabling/disabling PTFB. In fact, if you're considering setting up a repeating item with zero delays, this is a must!

To disable a particular item, untick it in PTFB's main list - this prevents the item from firing for any and all triggers you've defined